B4J Tutorial AsyncStreamsObject - Send and receive objects over the network

For new projects it is recommended to use B4XSerializator instead of this solution.


AsyncStreamsObject allows you to send and receive objects instead of bytes.
You can read more about it here: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/th...d-and-receive-objects-instead-of-bytes.30543/

This example connects to the same Android example and allows you to communicate with the device.
The device app acts as the server as the desktop firewalls usually blocks incoming connections.

You can download the Android example here: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/th...e-objects-instead-of-bytes.30543/#post-202288
Make sure to update B4A RandomAccessFile library to v1.6: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/th...handle-streams-of-any-size.30494/#post-177051

Once you have a valid connection it is very simple to send and receive custom types, drawings, collections and files.


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Douglas Farias

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Longtime User
Ok, but AStreamO_NewObject on the b4a dont save the file, only give logs.

1° i m sending the key file:myfilename from b4j its correct now

2° on the b4a i m get this in AStreamO_NewObject with substring , this is ok

Sub astreamO_NewObject(Key As String, Value As Object)
    If Key.StartsWith("arquivo:") Then
            Dim fileName As String = Value
            Log("Received file. File size: " & File.Size(astreamO.TempFolder, fileName))
  End If
End Sub

but the problem is how to write a file with this name now, the astreamO_NewObject dont save the file, i think this code is in your class on b4a.
i m sending the correct name, i m geting this correct name on b4a, and now how to save the file with correct name?


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Douglas Farias

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done, i have made this
    If Key.StartsWith("arquivo:") Then
            Dim fileName As String = Value
            File.Copy(astreamO.TempFolder,fileName, fp , Key.SubString(8))
    End If
;) ty @Erel

Douglas Farias

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Longtime User
when i use this code, with big files, i have a small bug

If Key.StartsWith("arquivo:") Then
            Dim fileName As String = Value
            File.Copy(astreamO.TempFolder,fileName, fp , Key.SubString(8))
    End If

for exemple, send from pc a video with 60mb, on the b4a it make a laggg when make this File.Copy
i see the log "aqui" like the code. log("aqui")

my app stop respose for 5 or 10 seconds, i have try make this

If Key.StartsWith("arquivo:") Then
            Dim fileName As String = Value
            ProgressDialogShow2("carregando...", False)
            File.Copy(astreamO.TempFolder,fileName, fp , Key.SubString(8))
    End If

but dont work with doevents, my app stop response too with
ProgressDialogShow2("carregando...", False)

and i dont see the ProgressDialogShow2 only the log "aqui"

and later my app stop work for 5 - 10 seconds i see "Done" the last log.

now the question, why this? i m know the file is bigger 60mb, but have a way to my app dont stop work when make a file.copy?
and how can i add a progress on this? ProgressDialogShow2("Copying...", False), later done ProgressDialogHide

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
why use a library to make a sub? can u give a simple example code?

callsubcopy(folders, file)

sub copy
end sub

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
this dont helped my @Erel
look i made this

        Else If Key.SubString(8).StartsWith("videos:") Then
        Dim fileName As String = Value
        File.MakeDir(fp, "Videos")
        pasta = File.Combine(fp, "Videos")
        ProgressDialogShow2("carregando...", False)
        Private l As List
        l.AddAll(Array As String(astreamO.TempFolder, fileName, pasta, Key.SubString(15)))
        TR.RunOnGuiThread("copiar_arquivos" , Array As Object(l))

Sub copiar_arquivos(MapObj As Object)
Private l As List
l = MapObj
File.Copy(l.Get(0), l.Get(1), l.Get(2), l.Get(3))
End Sub

but my app stop work too with RunOnGuiThread.
only with big sizes the app stop works, 60mb+

EDIT: 03:06
        Else If Key.SubString(8).StartsWith("videos:") Then
        Dim fileName As String = Value
        File.MakeDir(fp, "Videos")
        pasta = File.Combine(fp, "Videos")
        Private l As List
        ProgressDialogShow2("Copiando...", False)
        l.AddAll(Array As String(astreamO.TempFolder, fileName, pasta, Key.SubString(15)))
        TR.Start(Me, "copiar_arquivos" , Array As Object(l))

this code works, with tr.start

thx erel
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YIM bunchhat

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I cannot send file and receive file. How to send file from phone to pc? Ex: file .pdf in sd card.....:(. Could you write me simple code that work only send file from phone to PC? your example is complicated for me.......now I am really headache...:(
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