Android Code Snippet [B4X] Using custom fonts on labels and canvases


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Another example of combinations.
    Dim TextFont As B4XFont = GetTypeFont("Icip-AL3D2.ttf", 48)
    DrawTextWithOutline("Hello, World!", 100, 100, 1, xui.Color_Transparent, xui.Color_Blue, TextFont)
    Label1.Text = "Hello, World!"
    Label1.Font = TextFont
    Label1.TextColor = xui.Color_Blue
    Dim TextFont As B4XFont = GetTypeFont("KumarOneOutline-Regular.ttf", 48)
    DrawTextWithOutline("Hello, World!", 100, 180, 1, xui.Color_Transparent, xui.Color_Blue, TextFont)
    Label2.Text = "Hello, World!"
    Label2.Font = TextFont
    Label2.TextColor =  xui.Color_Blue
    Dim TextFont As B4XFont = xui.CreateDefaultFont(48)
    DrawTextWithOutline("Hello, World!", 100, 260, 2, xui.Color_Blue, xui.Color_White, TextFont)
    Label3.Text = "Hello, World!"
    Label3.Font = TextFont
    Label3.TextColor =  xui.Color_Blue
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