B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] xChart Class and b4xlib

Current version 9.8

A lite version is available: xChartLite.
A mini version is also available: xChartMini.

Learning B4XViews and XUI, I wrote this CustomView xChart Class.
It is an evolution of Erels' Android Charts Framework.

The xChart custom view is a B4X libary.
It works on all three platforms: B4A, B4i and B4J.
The xChart.b4xlib and the xChart.xml files are attached.
You need to copy the xChart.b4xlib file to the AdditionlLibraries\B4X folder!
The recommended AdditionlLibraries folder structure is explained HERE.

Do not copy the xChart.xml file to the AdditionalLibraries folder, copy it in another folder for all b4xlib xml files.
Example: AdditionlLibraries\B4XlibXMLFiles
The xChart.xml file is for help purposes only and is useful with the B4X Help Viewer or the B4XObjectBrowser.
The xChart.xml file was generated with this tool: b4xlib - XML generation

It has automatic scales, linear and logarithmic, automatic text size according to the chart size.
These can also be set manually.

Demo projects for all three platforms as a B4XPages project.
Tested on PC, Android Samsung S10, Samsung Tab S2, iPhone 8 and iPad.
B4XPagesxChartDemoV8_8.zip A B4XPages cross platform project using the xChart library, you need to copy the xChart.b4xlib file into your AdditionalLibraries\B4X folder.
B4JLogScaleV8_8.zip B4J project showing the logarithmic scales, it uses also the xChart library.
xChart.b4xlib The xChart B4X library file. You must copy it into your your AdditionalLibraries\B4X folder.
xChart.xml Help file, it is useful with the B4X Help Viewer or the B4XObjectBrowser.
Don’t copy the xChart.xml file to the AdditionalLibraries folder! Look above.



This image is from the B4JLogScale demo project, there is only a B4J project to show logarithmic scale examples.
The principles are the same for the two other platforms.


4 lines with 4 different scales the same lines with the same scale.


Radar type chart


H_BAR chart type H_STACKED_BAR chart type

The horizontal scale can be either on bottom, default, or on top.
The vertical scale values can go from bottom to top, default, or from top to bottom.


YX_CHART with display of the cursor position.
When the cursor is on a point, the cross-hair color changes to the curve color and a circle is drawn at the point if no points are drawn.




CANDLE chart




BUBBLE chart

EDIT: 2023.08.06 Version 9.8
Changed SetZoomIndexes Zoom.EndIndex not limited to previous Zoom.EndIndex
Set zoom min cursor width from 10dip to 15dip
The first change allows zooming with dynamic data input and move the zoom cursor at the end.
Demo program for dynamic data and zoom.
Only the xChart.b4xlib and xChart.xml files have been updated.

EDIT: 2023.06.08 Version 9.7
Added a warning for the RemovePointData method
Changed getNbPonts to Return Points.size
Added ZoombarEnabled property, code only not in the Designer
Only the xChart.b4xlib and xChart.xml files have been updated.

EDIT: 2023.03.13 Version 9.6
Amended a problem with zoom.

EDIT: 2023.03.11 Version 9.5
Amended AutomaticScales with only one point
Only the xChart.b4xlib and xChart.xml files have been updated.

EDIT: 2023.02.12 Version 9.4
Added SetZoomSteps(SmallStep As Int, BigStep As Int) method
Added ZoomLeftButtonClick, ZoomRightButtonClick, ZoomLeftAreanClick and ZoomRightAreaClick events
Added ZoomSmallStep, ZoomBigStep, ZoomBeginIndex, ZoomEndIndex and ZoomNbVisiblePoints properties read only
Amended multiple zoom problem
Amended GetCursorIndex when zoomed
Added XZeroAxis and XZeroAxisHighlight properties
Only the xChart.b4xlib and xChart.xml files have been updated.

EDIT: 2022.10.12 Version 9.2
Added SetCustomFont(CustomFontName, CustomFontScale) method,example HERE.
Amended legend top position overlapping with the title.
Only the xChart.b4xlib and xChart.xml files have been updated.

EDIT: 2022.10.08 Version 9.1
Replaced all Props.Get by Props.GetDefault
Amended problem with DisplayValues, DisplayCursor and DisplayValuesOnHover
Added GetMaxNumberBars2, does not need to know the data values.
Added PieGapDegrees and PieAddPercentage properties in the code
Only the xChart.b4xlib and xChart.xml files have been updated.

EDIT: 2022.06.26 Version 9.0
Added the DisplayValuesOnHover property: Show values when hovering with the cursor over a chart; valid only for B4J.
Only the xChart.b4xlib and the xChart.xml file have been updated, the xChart.bas file has been removed.

EDIT: 2022.06.01 Version 8.9
Amended problem with min bar width for STACKED_BAR charts.
Only the xChart.b4xlib, xChart.bas and xChart.xml files have been updated.

EDIT: 2022.04.24 Version 8.8
Added a new property: CandleDisplayVolume, False by default
Added a new method: AddCandlePoint2 including the Volume parameter
Renamed CursorIndex to CursorPointIndex in the CursorTouch event routine
Added DisplayCursor property to allow to display the cursor without displaying the values, False by default

EDIT: 2022.04.20 Version 8.7
Amended bottom margin when no X scale is displayed.

EDIT: 2022.04.15 Version 8.6
Added BUBBLE chart and BubbleDiameterMax, BubbleDiameterMin and BubbleSmallSnap properties.

EDIT: 2022.03.31 Version 8.5
Added WATERFALL chart and the WaterfallTotalBarColor property.
The CandleDecreaseColor and CandleIncreaseColor properties were changed to DecreaseColor and IncreaseColor.
These properties are also used with WATERFALL charts.

EDIT: 2022.03.27 Version 8.4
Added the CandleWickWidth property
Changed the word Shadow to Wick for the Candle properties

EDIT: 2022.03.27 Version 8.3
Version 8.3
Added CANDLE chart
Version 8.2
Added the YAxisName2 property, a second Y axis name for different scales

EDIT: 2021.11.29 Version 8.1
Added a HideLine method allowing to not display a line.
Added SetYScaleNMinValue, GetYScaleNMinValue, SetYScaleNMaxValue and GetYScaleNMaxValue methods.
Amended problem with DrawLinesNScales and zoom
Amended some minor problems.

EDIT: 2021.11.29 Version 8.0
Amended graph height when no x scale nor x axis name.
Added display of a YXChart line with only one point value with logarithmic scales.

I removed the old update history.


Klaus CHRISTL (klaus)
Version: 9.8
  • xChart
    • Events:
      • CursorTouch (Action As Int, CursorPointIndex As Int)
      • Touch (X As Double, Y As Double)
      • ZoomLeftAreaClick
      • ZoomLeftButtonClick
      • ZoomRightAreaClick
      • ZoomRightButtonClick
    • Fields:
      • xBase As B4XView
      • Items As List
        Items are Bars, Lines etc.
      • Points As List
        Points contain the point coordinates.
    • Methods:
      • AddBar (Name As String, BarColor As Int) As String
        adds a bar
        only for Bar and StackedBar charts !
      • AddBarMultiplePoint (X As String, YArray As Double())
        adds multibar points data
        only for Bar and StackedBar charts !
      • AddBarPointData (X As String, Y As Double) As String)
        adds single bar point data
        only for Bar charts !
      • AddBubble (SerieIndex As Int, X As Double, Y As Double, Value v Double)
        Adds a point in the given Bubble series.
        A series Bubble has no name but an x / y position and a value.
        The value determines the area of the circle and not the radius nor diameter.
        Only for BUBBLE charts.
      • AddBubbleSeries (Name As String, BubbleColor As Int)
        Adds a Bubble series.
        A Bubble series has a name and can contain bubbles with a value at different positions.
        Only for BUBBLE charts.
      • AddBubbleSingle (Name As String, X As Double, Y As Double, Value As Double, BubbleColor As Int)
        Adds a single Bubble.
        A single Bubble has a name, a value and a position.
        It is the same as a Bubble series with only one bubble.
        The value determines the area of the circle and not the radius nor diameter.
        Only for BUBBLE charts.
      • AddCandlePoint (X As String, Open As Double, Height As Double, Low As Double, Close As Double, ShowTick As Boolean)
        Adds a Candel point.
        ShowTick = True displays the x value on the X axis.
      • AddCandlePoint2 (X As String, Open As Double, Height As Double, Low As Double, Close As Double, Volume As Double, ShowTick As Boolean)
        Adds a Candel point.
        Volume = Transaction volume during the time period.
        ShowTick = True displays the x value on the X axis.
      • AddHorizontalLine (Value As Double, Color As Int, StrokeWidth As Int, DisplayValue As Boolean)
        Adds a horizontal line at the given Y scale value with the given color and width.
        If a line with this value already exist, updates the Color and StrokeWidth.
        Valid for BAR and HBAR charts and LINE charts only with same Y scales.
        Valid also for H_BAR charts charts only with same Y scales, but the line is vertical.
      • AddLine (Name As String, LineColor As Int)
        adds a line
        only for Line charts !
      • AddLine2 (Name As String, LineColor As Int, StrokeWidth As Int, PointType As String, PointFilled As Boolean, PointColor As Int) As String
        adds a line
        StrokeWidth = line thickness
        PointType, possible values: "NONE", "CIRCLE", "SQUARE", "TRIANGLE", "RHOMBUS", "CROSS+", "CROSSX"
        only for Line charts !
      • AddLineMultiplePoints (X As String, YArray As Double(), ShowTick As Boolean) As String
        adds multiline points data
        ShowTick = True displays the x value in the X axis
        only for Line charts !
      • AddLinePointData (X As String, Y As Double, ShowTick As Boolean)
        adds single line point data
        ShowTick = True displays the x value in the X axis
        only for Line charts !
      • AddPie (Name As String, Value As Float, Color As Int) As String
        Adds a pie slice item
        Color: 0 = random color
        only for Pie charts !
      • AddRadar (Name As String, Color As Int, SrokeWidth As Int, Filled As Boolean)
        adds a radar
        only for Radar charts !
      • AddRadar2 (Name As String, Color As Int, SrokeWidth As Int, Filled As Boolean, PointType As String, PointFilled As Boolean, PointColor As Int)
        adds a radar
        PointType, possible values: "NONE", "CIRCLE", "SQUARE", "TRIANGLE", "RHOMBUS", "CROSS+", "CROSSX"
        only for Radar charts !
      • AddRadarMultiplePoint (X As String, YArray As Double)
        adds multiradar points data
        only for Radar charts !
      • AddRadarPointData (X As String, Y As Double)
        adds single radar data
        only for Radar charts !
      • AddWaterfallPoint(BarType As Stringg, X As String, Y As Double)
      • AddYXLine (Name As String, LineColor As Int, StrokeWidth As Int) As String
        adds a YXLine
        only for YXCharts !
      • AddYXLine2 (Name As String, LineColor As Int, StrokeWidth As Int, DrawLine As Boolean, PointType As String, PointFilled As Boolean, PointColor As Int) As String
        adds a YX line
        StrokeWidth = line thickness
        DrawLine = False allows to draw only the points
        PointType, possible values: "NONE", "CIRCLE", "SQUARE", "TRIANGLE", "RHOMBUS", "CROSS+", "CROSSX"
        only for YXCharts !
      • AddYXPoint (LineIndex As Int, X As Double, Y As Double) As String
        adds a point in the given lines
      • Base_Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double)
        resizes the Chart with new Width and Height
      • ClearData
        clears all data, not the title nor axis names
      • ClearDisplayedValues
        Clears the cursor and displayed values
        useful if KeepDisplayValues was set to True
      • ClearPoints
        clears all points, not the title nor axis names
      • DrawChart
        draws a chart
      • DrawEmptyChart
        Draws an empty chart with the current background color.
      • GetYScaleNMaxValue (Index As Int)
        Gets the Y scale max value for the given curve.
        Index of the curve between 0 and 3.
        Works only with AutomaticScale = False.
        Setting YScaleMaxValue sets automatically AutomaticScale = False.
      • GetYScaleNMinValue (Index As Int)
        Gets the Y scale min value for the given curve.
        Index of the curve between 0 and 3.
        Works only with AutomaticScale = False.
        Setting YScaleMaxValue sets automatically AutomaticScale = False.
      • GetMaxNumberBars As Int
        Returns an Int
        gets the max number of displayable bars or group of bars
        this method can be called before DrawChart to determine the number max of displayable bars
        this can allow to adapt the filling routine according to the capacity of the chart
      • GetMaxNumberBars2 As Int
        Gets the max number of displayable bars or group of bars.
        This method can be called before DrawChart to determine the number max of displayable bars.
        This can allow to adapt the filling routine according to the capacity of the chart.

        Not as precise as GetMaxNumberBars.
      • Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String) As String
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Tests whether the object has been initialized.
      • JumpTo (Index As Int)
        Jumps to the given index when a chart is zoomed.
        does nothing when the chart is unzoomed.
      • NumberFormat3 (Number As Double, MaxDigits As Int) As String
        formats a number with scientific notation
        MaxDigits = number max of digits
        Examples: 1.23456 / 12.3456 / 1234.56 / 123456 / 1.23E10
      • NumberFormat4 (Number As Double, MaxDigits As Int, Scientific As Boolean) As String
        Formats a number with either scientific notation or n, , m, K, M, G notation.
        MaxDigits = number max of digits.
        Examples for 6 digits: 1.23456 / 12.3456 / 1234.56 / 123456 / 1.23E10.
        Examples for 6 digits: 1.23456 / 12.3456 / 1.23456K / 12.3456K / 1.23G.
      • RemoveHorizontalLine (Value As Double)
        Removes the horizontal line from the list with the given value.
        Value = Y scale value.
      • RemovePointData (Index As Int) As String
        removes the data of the point with the given index
      • SetBarMeanValueFormat (MinimumIntegers As Int, MaximumFractions As Int, MinimumFractions As Int, GroupingUsed As Boolean)
        sets a custom numberformat for the bar mean line value, values like NumberFormat2
        if set, it overides the default format
        to go back to the default format, comment the line defining the custom number format
      • SetCustomFont (CustomFontName As String, CustomFontName As Double)
        Sets a custom font.
        CustomFontName can be either:
        a custom font ttf file, B4J and B4A
        or a font name only B4J
        CustomFontScale is a scale factor to increas or decrease the text sizes
        epending if the font is bigger or smaller than the defautl font
        Defautlt value = 1
        B4i, when you use a ttf file you must add the line below in the Main module in the Project Attributes Region:
        #AppFont: MyCustomFont.ttf, replace MyCustomFont by the name of the custom font.
        Explanations here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/custom-fonts.46461/#content
        Example with a custom font file:

        xChart1.SetCustomFont("MyCustomFont.ttf", 1.2)
        Example with a custom font name:
        xChart1.SetCustomFont("Times New Roman", 1)
        Example back to default font (in this case the CustomFontScale value is automatically set to 1):
        xChart1.SetCustomFont("", 1)
      • SetYScaleNMaxValue (Index As Int)
        Sets the Y scale max value for the given curve.
        Index of the curve between 0 and 3.
        Works only with AutomaticScale = False.
        Setting YScaleMaxValue sets automatically AutomaticScale = False.
      • SetYScaleNMinValue (Index As Int)
        Sets the Y scale min value for the given curve.
        Index of the curve between 0 and 3.
        Works only with AutomaticScale = False.
        Setting YScaleMinValue sets automatically AutomaticScale = False.
      • SetZoomIndexes (BeginIndex As Int, EndIndex As Int)
        sets the zoom indexes, the values must be between 0 and Points.Size -1
        valid only for LINE, BAR, STACKED_BAR, H_LINE, H_BAR and H_STACKEDBAR charts
        this method should be called after having added the points data.
      • SetZoomSteps (SmallStep As Int, BigStep As Int)
        Sets the zoom steps
        SmallStep = step when the left or right button is pressed
        BigStep = step when the area between the lider and a button is pressed
      • UnZoom
        Unzooms the chart.
    • Properties:
      • AreaFillAlphaValue As Int
        gets or sets the AreaFillAlphaValue property
        this value represents the alpha value of the area fill color for AREA and STACHED_AREA charts only
        the area fill color is the line color with this alpha value
      • AutomaticScale As Boolean
        gets or sets the AutomaticScale property
        if True, the scales are automatically calculated to fill the chart, with 1, 2, 2.5, 5 standardized scales
      • AutomaticTextSizes As Boolean
        gets or sets the AutomaticTextSizes property
        if True, the text sizes are automatically calculated according to the chart size
      • AxisTextColor As Int
        gets or sets the AxisTextColor property
      • AxisTextSize As Float
        gets or sets the AxisTextSize property
        setting this text size sets automatically AutomaticTextSizes = False
      • BarValueOrientation As Boolean
        gets or sets the BarValueOrientation property
        Possible values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL
      • BubbleDiameterMax As Double
        Gets or sets the BubbleDiameterMax, only for BUBBLE charts.
        Max diameter of a bubble in percent of the smallest chart side (width or height).
        This value is used for the highest bubble value.
        For lower values, the bubble area is proportional. The diameter is proportional to the square root of the ratio.
        Default value 10%.
      • BubbleDiameterMin As Double
        Gets or sets the BubbleDiameterMin, only for BUBBLE charts.
        Min diameter of a bubble in percent of the smallest chart side (width or height).
        Default value 1%.
      • BubbleSmallSnap As Boolean
        Gets or sets the BubbleSmallSnap, only for BUBBLE charts.
        False = the cursor snaps when it is insides the bubble.
        True = the cursor snaps when it is near the bubble center (3dip).
        Default value False.
      • CandleDrawBodyBorder As Boolean
        Gets or sets the getCandleDrawBodyBorder, only for CANDLE charts.
        Draws a border on the candle body with the shadow color.
      • CandleDisplayVolume As Boolean
        Gets or sets the CandleDisplayVolume, only for CANDLE charts.
        'True = displays the trade Volume on the bottom of the CANDLE chart and displays its value in the popup panel.
        'Example code: <code>CandleChart1.CandleDisplayVolume = True</code>
      • CandleWickColor As Int
        Gets or sets the CandleWickColor, only for CANDLE charts.
        Wick is the line above and below the candle body when the Open and Close values are above or below the Low and High values.
        It must be a xui.Color value, FF0000FF (Blue) = default value.
        Example code:
        CandleChart1.CandleWickColor = xui.Color_Black
      • CandleWickWidth As Int
        Gets or sets the CandleWickWidth, only for CANDLE charts.
        Wick is the line above and below the candle body when the Open and Close values are above or below the Low and High values.
        It must be a dip value, not a pixel value.
        Example code:
        CandleChart1.CandleWickWidth = 1
      • ChartBackgroundColor As Int
        sets the ChartBackgroundColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.ChartBackgroundColor = xui.Color_RGB(207, 220, 220)</code>
      • ChartType As String
        gets or sets the chart type
      • DecreaseColor As Boolean
        Gets or sets the DecreaseColor, only for CANDLE and WATERFALL charts.
        The DecreaseColor is used in CANDLE charts when the Close value is lower than the Open value.
        Or in WATERFALL charts when the bar value is negative.
        It must be a xui.Color value, FFAA0000 (Green) = default value.
        Example code:
        CandleChart1.DecreaseColor = xui.Color_RGB(128, 0, 0)
      • DifferentScales As Boolean
        gets or sets the DifferentScales property, only for LINE and YX_CHART charts.
        when True, displays the lines with different automatic scales for two up to four lines.
        if the number of lines is smaller than 2 and bigger than 4, then all lines have the same scale.
      • DisplayCursor As Boolean
        Gets or sets the DisplayCursor property.
        Allows to displays the cursor when clicking or moving on the chart when DislpayValues = False.
      • DisplayValues As Boolean
        gets or sets the DisplayValues property
        if True, displays the point values when moving the finger or the cursor on the chart.
      • DisplayValuesOnHover As Boolean
        gets or sets the DisplayValuesOnHover property
        if True, displays the item values when hovering with the cursor over a chart; valid only for B4J.
      • DrawGridFrame As Boolean
        sets or gets the DrawGridFrame property, True by default
        if False, no frame, only the X and Y axes are drawn
      • DrawHorizontalGridLines As Boolean
        sets or gets the DrawHorizontalGridLines property, True by default
        if False, no horizontal grid lines are drawn
      • DrawOuterFrame As Boolean
        gets or sets the DrawOuterFrame property of the Chart
        draws an outer frame around the chart
      • DrawVerticalGridLines As Boolean
        sets or gets the DrawVerticalGridLines property, True by default
        if False, no vertical grid lines are drawn
      • DrawXScale As Boolean
        gets or sets the DrawXScale property
        True by default, if False doesn't draw the X scale values
        not drawing the scale can be useful for small charts
        not for logarithmic scales
      • DrawYScale As Boolean
        gets or sets the DrawYScale property
        True by default, if False doesn't draw the Y scale values
        not drawing the scale can be useful for small charts
        not for logarithmic scales
      • GradientColors As Boolean
        gets or sets the GradientColors property
      • GradientColorsAlpha As Int
        gets or sets the GradientColorsAlpha property
        values between 0 and 255
        setting this value, set automatically the GradientColors property to True
      • GridColor As Int
        sets the GridColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.GridColor = xui.Color_RGB(169, 169, 169)</code>
      • GridFrameColor As Int
        sets the GridFrameColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.GridFrameColor = xui.Color_Blue</code>
      • HBarTicksTopDown As Boolean
        gets or sets the HBarsTicksTopDown property for H_BAR and H_STACKED_BAR charts
        False = draws the tick values from bottom to top, default value
        True = draws the tick from top to bottom
      • HBarXScaleOnTop As Boolean
        gets or sets the HBarsXScaleOnTop property for H_BAR and H_STACKED_BAR charts
        False = draws the horizontal scale on bottom, default value
        True = draws the horizontal scale on top
      • Height As Int
        gets or sets the Height property
      • IncludeBarMeanLine As Boolean
        gets or sets the IncludeBarMeanLine property
        possible only for single bar charts
      • IncludeLegend As String
        gets or sets the IncludeLegend property
        possible values: NONE, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM
      • IncludeMaxLine As Boolean
        gets or sets the IncludenMaxLine property, only for single line Chart
        inserts a line at the level of the max value
      • IncludeMeanLine As Boolean
        gets or sets the IncludeMeanLine property, only for single line Chart
        inserts a line at the level of the mean value
      • IncludeMinLine As Boolean
        gets or sets the IncludeMinLine property, only for single line Chart
        inserts a line at the level of the min value
      • IncludeValues As String
        gets or sets the IncludeValues property
        possible only for single bar charts or pie charts with TOP_RIGHT legend
      • IncreaseColor As Int
        Gets or sets the IncreaseColor, only for CANDLE and WATERFALL charts.
        The IncreaseColor is used in CANDLE charts when the Close value is higher than the Open value.
        Or in WATERFALL charts when the bar value is negative.
        It must be a xui.Color value, FF00AA00 (Green) = default value.
        Example code:
        CandleChart1.IncreaseColor = xui.Color_RGB(0, 128, 0)
      • KeepDisplayValues As String
        gets or sets the KeepValuesDisplay property
        possible values:
        NONE >; deletes the cursor and the displayed values after Touch_Up
        CURSOR >; keeps the cursor visible but deletes the values after Touch_Up
        BOTH >; keeps both, the cursor and the values visible after Touch_Up
      • Left As Int
        gets or sets the Left property
      • LegendBackgroundColor As Int
        sets the LegendBackgroundColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: xChart1.LegendBackgroundColor = xui.Color_ARGB(102, 255, 255, 255)
      • LegendTextColor As Int
        sets the LegendTextColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: xChart1.LegendTextColor = xui.Color_Black
      • LegendTextSize As Float
        gets or sets the LegendTextSize property
        setting this text size sets automatically AutomaticTextSizes = False
      • MaxLineColor As Int
        sets the single line chart MaxLineColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.MaxLineColor = xui.Color_Red</code>
      • MeanLineColor As Int
        sets the single line chart MeanLineColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.MeanLineColor = xui.Color_RGB(182, 74, 26)</code>
      • MinLineColor As Int
        sets the single line chart MinLineColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.MinLineColor = xui.Color_RGB(0, 128, 0)</code>
      • MissingDataValue As Double
        gets or sets the MissingDataValue property, only for LINE charts
        default value 1000000000
        when you set any value in a Line chart, it is considerd as a missing value
      • NbPoints As Int [read only]
        gets the number of points (read only)
      • NbXIntervals As Int
        gets or sets the NbYIntervals property, number of X axis intervals
        should be an even number, otherwise the 0 scale value might not be displayed
        valid only for YXCharts
      • NbYIntervals As Int
        gets or sets the NbYIntervals property, number of Y axis intervals
        should be an even number, otherwise the 0 scale value might not be displayed
      • PieAddPercentage As Boolean
        gets or sets the PieAddPercentage property.
      • PieGapDegrees As Int
        gets or sets the PieGapDegrees property.
        default value = 0
      • PiePercentageNbFractions As Int
        gets or sets the number of fractions for pie percentage values
        min = 0 max = 2
      • PieStartAngle As Int
        gets or sets the PieStartAngle property
        default value = 0 (three o'clock), positive clockwise
        twelve o'clock = -90
      • RadarDrawScale As Boolean
        gets or sets the RadarDrawScale property for RADAR charts
        True = draws the spider web type scale lines or circles
        depends on the RadarScaleType property SPIDER or CIRCLE
      • RadarDrawScaleValues As Boolean
        gets or sets the RadarDrawScaleValues property for RADAR charts
        True = draws the scale values
      • RadarScaleType As String
        gets or sets the RadarScaleType property for RADAR charts
        Either SPIDER or CIRCLE
      • RadarStartAngle As Int
        gets or sets the RadarStartAngle property for RADAR charts
        default value = 0 (three o'clock), positive clockwis
        twelve o'clock = -90
      • RemoveHorizontalLine (Value As Double)
        removes the horizontal line from the list with the given value.
        Value = Y scale value.
      • RemovePointData (Index As Int)
        removes the data of the point with the given index.
      • ReverseYScale As Boolean
        gets or sets the ReverseYScale property, only for LINE and YX_CHART charts
        False means min value on top and max value.
        True means min value at bottom and max value at bottom on top. Default value.
      • Rotation As Double
        gets or sets the Rotation property of the Chart
        rotates the entire chart
      • ScalesOnZoomedPart As Boolean
        gets or sets the ScalesOnZooedPart property.
        False means scales on the whoel chart.
        True means scales on the zooem part only.
      • ScaleTextColor As Int
        sets the ScaleTextColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.ScaleTextColor = xui.Color_Blue</code>
      • ScaleTextSize As Float
        gets or sets the ScaleTextSize property
        setting this text size sets automatically AutomaticTextSizes = False
      • ScaleValues As String
        gets or sets the ScaleValues property
        it is a string with the different scale values separated by the exclamation mark.
        it must begin with 1! and end with !10
        Example: the default property 1!2!2.5!5!10
      • ScaleXValuesLog As String
        gets or sets the ScaleXValuesLog property
        it is a string with the different scale values, for one decade, separated by the exclamation mark
        it must begin with 1! and end with !10
        only for YX_CHART X scale
        Example: the default property 1!2!5!7!10
      • ScaleYValuesLog As String
        gets or sets the ScaleYValuesLog property
        it is a string with the different scale values, for one decade, separated by the exclamation mark
        it must begin with 1! and end with !10
        only for LINE Y scale and YX_CHART Y scale
        Example: the default property 1!2!5!7!10
      • Snapshot As B4XBitmap [read only]
        returns a B4XBitmap object of the chart (read only)
      • Subtitle As String
        gets or sets the Subtitle property
      • SubtitleTextColor As Int
        gets or sets the SubtitleTextColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.SubitleTextColor = xui.Color_Black</code>
      • SubtitleTextSize As Float
        gets or sets the SubtitleTextSize property
        setting this text size sets automatically AutomaticTextSizes = False
      • Title As String
        gets or sets the Chart title
      • TitleTextColor As Int
        sets the TitleTextColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.TitleTextColor = xui.Color_Black</code>
      • TitleTextSize As Float
        gets or sets the TitleTextSize property
        setting this text size sets automatically AutomaticTextSizes = False
      • Top As Int
        gets or sets the Top property
      • ValuesBackgroundColor As Int
        sets the ValuesBackgroundColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.ValuesBackgroundColor = xui.Color_Black</code>
      • ValuesTextColor As Int
        sets the ValuesTextColor property
        the color must be an xui.Color
        Example code: <code>xChart1.ValuesTextColor = xui.Color_Black</code>
      • ValuesTextSize As Float
        gets or sets the ValuesTextSize property
        setting this text size sets automatically AutomaticTextSizes = False
      • Visible As Boolean
        gets or sets the Visible property
      • WaterfallTotalBarColor
        Gets or sets the WaterfallTotalBarColor, only for WATERFALL charts.
        Valid only for TotalBars.
        It must be a xui.Color value, FF0000FF (Blue) = default value.
        Example code:
        CandleChart1.WaterfallTotalBarColor = xui.Color_Black
      • Width As Int
        gets or sets the Width property
      • XAxisName As String
        gets or sets the X axis name
      • XMaxValue As Double
        gets or sets the X Max scale value
      • XMinValue As Double
        gets or sets the X Min scale value
      • XScaleLogaritmic As Boolean
        gets or sets the X scale to logarithmic
        valid only for positive numbers and for YX_CHART
      • XScaleMaxValue As Double
        gets or sets the X scale max value
        works only with AutomaticScale = False
        setting XScaleMaxValue sets automatically AutomaticScale = False
        valid only for YXChats
      • XScaleMinValue As Double
        gets or sets the X scale min value
        works only with AutomaticScale = False
        setting XScaleMinValue sets automatically AutomaticScale = False
        valid only for YXChats
      • XScaleTextOrientation As String
        gets or sets the X scale text orientation
        Possible values: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL, 45 DEGREES
      • XZeroAxis As Boolean
        gets or sets the <xZeroAxis property for LINE charts
        if all values are positives, sets the lower X scale to zero
        if all values are negatives, sets the upper X scale to zero
      • XZeroAxisHighlight As Boolean
        gets or sets the XZeroAxisHighlight property
        if True draws the X Zero axis 2dip thick otherwise with 1dip
      • YAxisName As String
        gets or sets the Y axis name
      • YMaxValue As Double
        gets or sets the Y Max scale value
      • YMinValue As Double
        gets or sets the Y Min scale value
      • YScaleLogarithmic As Boolean
        gets or sets the Y scale to logarithmic
        valid only for positive numbers and for LINE and YX_CHART
      • YScaleMaxValue As Double
        gets or sets the Y scale max value
        works only with AutomaticScale = False
        setting XScaleMaxValue sets automatically AutomaticScale = False
      • YScaleMinValue As Double
        gets or sets the Y scale min value
        works only with AutomaticScale = False
        setting XScaleMaxValue sets automatically AutomaticScale = False
      • YXChartCrossHairColor As Int
        gets or sets the YXChartCrossHairColor property, only for YX_CHARTs.
        it must be a xui.Color value, black = default value.
        Example code: YXChart1.YXChartCrossHairColor = xui.Color_Black.
      • YXChartCrossHairDeltaY As Int
        gets or sets the YXChartCrossHairDeltaY property, only for YX_CHARTs.
        the horizontal line of the cross hair cursor is shifted topwards by the given value.
        this useful to not cover the horizontal cursor line with the finger.
      • YXChartDisplayCrossHair As Boolean
        gets or sets the YXChartDisplayCrossHair property, only for YX_CHARTs.
        True = displays cross hair lines at the cursor position.
      • YXChartDisplayPosition As String
        gets or sets the YXChartDisplayPosition, only for YX_CHARTs.
        possible values:
        CURSOR > displays the coordinates of the cursor position at the cursor position, default value.
        CORNERS &gt; displays the coordinates of the cursor position in one of the four corners.
        Example code: YXChart1.YXChartDisplayPosition = "CURSOR".
      • YXChartDisplayValues As Boolean
        gets or sets the YXChartDisplayValues property, only for YX_CHARTs.
        True = displays the x and y coordinates of the cursor position.
      • YZeroAxis As Boolean
        gets or sets the YZeroAxis property for LINE charts
        if all values are positives, sets the lower Y scale to zero
        if all values are negatives, sets the upper Y scale to zero
      • YZeroAxisHighlight As Boolean
        gets or sets the YZeroAxisHighlight property
        if True draws the Y Zero axis 2dip thick otherwise with 1dip
      • ZoomBarEnabled As Booleannt
        Gets or sets the ZoomBeginIndex property
        If False the zoom bar is disabled
        Default value = True
      • ZoomBeginIndex As Int
        Returns the ZoomBeginIndex property
        ZoomBeginIndex = index of the first displayed point
      • ZoomBigStep As Int
        Returns the zoom big step
        ZoomBigStep = step when the area between the lider and a button is pressed
      • ZoomEndIndex As Int
        Returns the ZoomEndIndex property
        ZoomEndIndex = index of the last displayed point
      • ZoomNbVisiblePoints As Int
        Returns the ZoomNbVisiblePoints property
        ZoomNbVisiblePoints = number of visible points
      • ZoomSmallStep As Int
        Returns the zoom small step
        ZoomSmallStep = step when the left or right button is pressed


  • B4XPagesxChartDemoV8_8.zip
    40.5 KB · Views: 1,300
  • B4JLogScaleV8_8.zip
    4.7 KB · Views: 945
  • xChart.b4xlib
    46.5 KB · Views: 739
  • xChart.xml
    75 KB · Views: 589
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Active Member
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Good evening all
Currently you cannot use strings for the X axis in YXCharts and you cannot have missing values in Line charts.
Ok, thank you Klaus, at least i know that's YXChart isn't maybe the best way :)

Are you looking for something like this ?
Please test the attached version 7.0.
Thank you so much !!! ?
I will try that, i think that'll resolve my weird need with these rate exchange

Have a nice evening,

Deleted member 103

Hi Klaus,

I found a little bug, maybe you can fix it, I'll fix it for me anyway.
The variable "py (0)" contains the value "8.72", but the variable "txt" is "8.720000000000001".
I know this is because py (0) is a double variable, but that shouldn't happen normally.


Deleted member 103

and another thing.
In the Sub "ClearData", the List "HLines" should also be cleared.

'clears all data, not the title nor axis names
Public Sub ClearData
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you for reporting these points.

The variable "py (0)" contains the value "8.72", but the variable "txt" is "8.720000000000001".
Amended for the next update.

In the Sub "ClearData", the List "HLines" should also be cleared.
Which version are you using?
In the latest published version 6.8, this point is already amended.

Deleted member 103

Which version are you using?
In the latest published version 6.8, this point is already amended.
Then everything is fine, I'm still using version 6.7.
I didn't know about version 6.8 yet.


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I didn't know about version 6.8 yet.
I am afraid that I updated the class without sending a post about the update.
Do you use the xChart.bas class or the xChart.b4xlib ?
If you use the xChart.b4xlib you see the latest version.


Anyway, a new update will come very soon.

Deleted member 103

Do you use the xChart.bas class or the xChart.b4xlib ?
I only use "xChart.bas", so I didn't know about the new version.
But in any case, I just wanted to tell you the mistake, because I can handle it.


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It's ok i found a solution with SQL to avoid to have skipped values on min or max rates exchange, so i can use line perfectly, below a screenshot with 3 years avg, min and max values :
3 years rates exchange from BCE on B4J with Avg-Min-Max.png

Now i have several questions.
1st one: How i can change the background color of legend ? If it's possible of course. Otherwise i saw that's possible to put all chart transparent, legend follow then, with à specific background, who's an altenative way.
2nd question: When i use line chart it's ok, see above, i can put the minScaleValue to the minimum rate exchange of the period and maxScale value to maximum rate exchange.
But if i take vBar type chart even the chart have the good limits the bars still start from 0, any way to avoid this ? See below the screenshot.
NOTE: on vBars i don't use the average, min and max yet, need to study how i can put group of bars before, so for now it's all days between the 2 dates :)
VBar chart with a bit more than 4 months rates exchange ok for values.png

I guess that'll be the same with radar chart type, but as i know Klaus want only eat the donut, i'll not ask ???
3rd question: How i can know, when the vBar can't be displayed, i have something in log but in code what's the trick ?
I can limit in code the vBar chart to 4 months max, who seems the max before bars width are too small and not displayed. But how ?
An example i use to inform the user to the limits on datepickers for max and min dates possibles in database:
MsgBox when date is not valid.png

Thanks for any help, didn't found how do it yet
5th question: Just for understand, i could sleep even if i continue to don't know ? Even the period is ok and vBar are shown i still have a log information about "Bar value text size too small", why ?
Below an extract of my code and the logs to better understanding my questions:
'-> Tried this way for the vBar, but can't inform user like that, it's just to avoid to still have old vBars displayed
    'Empty the Vertical Bar chart, works but how i can know that bar width is too small ?

'.../... after i only put visible or not the good components

            Dim lst As List
            Dim SQLRequest As String =  "SELECT Date, Rate, DateLong FROM Currencies WHERE Currency='PHP' AND DateLong >=" & DatePicker1.DateTicks & " AND DateLong <=" & DatePicker2.DateTicks
            lst = DBUtils.ExecuteMemoryTable(mySQL, SQLRequest, Null, 0)
            If (lst.Size >0) Then
                Dim MaxiRate As Double
                Dim MiniRate As Double
                Dim MonthLast As Int
                Dim lstMin, lstMax As List
                For i = 0 To lst.Size - 1
                    Dim result() As String = lst.Get(i)
                    'result(1) is the rate
                    'result(2) is Datelong format of record
                    MonthLast = DateTime.GetMonth(result(2))
                Log("Minimum rate: " & lstMin.Get(0))
                Log("Maximum rate: " & lstMax.Get(0))
                MiniRate = lstMin.Get(0)-1.0
                MaxiRate = lstMax.Get(0)+1.0
                ' set the chart properties
                VBarChart1.Title = "Taux de change € > Pesos Philippin"
                VBarChart1.XAxisName = "Dates"
                VBarChart1.YAxisName = "Taux"
                VBarChart1.IncludeLegend = "BOTTOM"
                VBarChart1.AddBar("PHP", xui.Color_Red)
                VBarChart1.BarValueOrientation = "VERTICAL"
                'Not found how to change Legend background too
                VBarChart1.ChartBackgroundColor = xui.Color_Black
                VBarChart1.GridFrameColor = xui.Color_Yellow
                VBarChart1.DrawVerticalGridLines = False
                VBarChart1.GridColor = xui.Color_LightGray
                VBarChart1.TitleTextColor = xui.Color_Green
                VBarChart1.ScaleTextColor = xui.Color_Yellow
                VBarChart1.AxisTextColor = xui.Color_Cyan
                ' Add the items.
                For i = 0 To lst.Size-1
                    Dim result() As String = lst.Get(i)
                    VBarChart1.AddBarPointData(DateTime.Date(result(2)), VBarChart1.NumberFormat3(result(1),4))
                'VBarChart1.DrawOuterFrame = True
                VBarChart1.AutomaticTextSizes = True
                'Not sure the both are needed !
                VBarChart1.YScaleMinValue = MiniRate
                VBarChart1.YScaleMaxValue = MaxiRate
                VBarChart1.YMinValue = MiniRate
                ' And  even with that the vBars continue to start at 0 ?
                VBarChart1.YMaxValue = MaxiRate
                xui.MsgboxAsync("Pas de données à afficher.","Fill BCE Database")
            End If
'Don't copy that in any code, it's log !!!!

-> WITH DATE BETWEEN 01/10/2020 AND 03/03/2021 note: date format is "dd/MM/yyy"
ExecuteMemoryTable: SELECT Date, Rate, DateLong FROM Currencies WHERE Currency='PHP' AND DateLong >=1601503200000 AND DateLong <=1614726000000
Minimum rate: 56
Maximum rate: 59
-> But old vBars are shown ???
Bar width = too small !!! Drawing of Bar chart skipped

For the last question :
ExecuteMemoryTable: SELECT Date, Rate, DateLong FROM Currencies WHERE Currency='PHP' AND DateLong >=1604271600000 AND DateLong <=1614726000000
Minimum rate: 56
Maximum rate: 59
-> When it's work still have in log this strange info ?
Bar value text size too small

Thanks for any help
If it's needed i can try to do a sample project code with the only problems encoutered, but at the moment project is big especially the database 6M° :eek:

Have a nice day,

EDIT: Oooops, forget that, examples are under B4J with B4x libray v6.9 that Klaus gave.
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found another small issue....

using IncludeLegend = "TOP_RIGHT" draws the transparent box to high and to wide



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1. Currently the legend background color is 0x66FFFFFF a semi-transparent white.
Or, as you already have seen, transparent if the chart background color is transparent.

2. Bar charts were designed with the scale beginning with 0 and automatic scales.
I have now seen the problem with manual scales, I will check it.
I guess that'll be the same with radar chart type ...

3. The limit is calculated internally, the min width is 4dip.
The max number depends on several parameters, chart width, display of y axis name, y scale width etc.
I need to look deeper how to determine the max number of displayable bars.

4. No question !

5. There are two messages:
One, if the width of the bars is too small,.
A second one, if the text size to display the bar values in the bars is too small and the property IncludeValues = True.
If you set VBarChart1.IncludeValues = False, the message will disappear.

I see that you set the properties in the code, if these are always the same you could set them in the Designer.


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1. Currently the legend background color is 0x66FFFFFF a semi-transparent white.
Or, as you already have seen, transparent if the chart background color is transparent.
Ok, thanks it's just aesthetic, no worries

2. Bar charts were designed with the scale beginning with 0 and automatic scales.
I have now seen the problem with manual scales, I will check it.
Ok, thank you, even it's also aesthetic, it's more lisible when variations are a bit smallest

3. The limit is calculated internally, the min width is 4dip.
The max number depends on several parameters, chart width, display of y axis name, y scale width etc.
I need to look deeper how to determine the max number of displayable bars.
Don't waste your time, it's easy to me to test how much months max i can put and limit that to a balanced number of months.

4. No question !
Indeed, it's because i'm getting youngest ?

5. There are two messages:
One, if the width of the bars is too small,.
A second one, if the text size to display the bar values in the bars is too small and the property IncludeValues = True.
If you set VBarChart1.IncludeValues = False, the message will disappear.
Yes 2, sorry. Thank you i'll use "VBarChart1.IncludeValues = False" just not saw it yet. It's a big Lib/Class now ?.
But the most important question is: How can i know that the bars width is too small. Any idea ?
If i can know it, i can change the maner to do the chart or advice the user to change the period.
But it's not critical for now, i'll inform you too if it's ok when i will concatenate the data with an average, min and max, it's not the case atm for vBars, it's ok for line Chart, 3 years it's enough ?.
Maybe that would be not too small then. I don't imagine to keep 22 years of histrorical rates in final, version ;)

Wonderful Klaus, it's ok i consolidate the average, min, max and i can have 3 years on a PC and 2 years on a phone !
2 years only on a phone because my own experience with fat thumbs ???
Screenshot below:
3 years rates exchange from BCE on B4J VBars Chart with Avg-Min-Max.png 2 years rates exchange from BCE on B4J VBars Chart with Avg-Min-Max.png

I can even put stacked bars, like that, so 3 years on the both :
3 years rates exchange from BCE on B4J VBarStaked Chart with Avg-Min-Max.png

EXCELLENT, thank you !!!

I see that you set the properties in the code, if these are always the same you could set them in the Designer.
Yes i know, it's just a project to test all and discover your excellent work ?.
In the final project i'll use some properties in the designer, or maybe use only 1 generic xChart and design it in code, not decided yet.
It's not on B4J that i ask myself for that, it's more for B4A where on a phone the size of code and files is more important.

Thank you for all your responses.
Have a nice evening,
Last edited:


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Longtime User
In the mean time I have worked on the class.

1. I added the LegendBackgroundColor property, I saw that with the default color and a black chart background the display is not good looking.
2. It is a bit more complicated than what I first thought, but I am on the way.
3. and 5. I added a GetMaxNumberBars method which calculates the max number of bar which could be displayed on a given chart.
This method should be called just before DrawChart.

The display problem from post #392 is also amended.

I am not yet finished with the changes, manly point 2.

It will look like this, needs quite some more testing.



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Hahaha, you're just incredible, WOWWWWW

Many thanks Klaus, not only for this work but also all you gave here since long time.

Have a nice evening and a good night,


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Hello all

I woke up early today, so i continued to adapt the examples of your project on my own project.
I saw the space between bars is not the same on vertical bars chart versus horizontal bars chart, see screenshots below.
On vertical:
VBar chart rates exchange width vary between bars.png

On horizontal:
HBar chart rates exchange height between bars.png

As in vertical it's less spaced, i think that maybe it's possible to do the same for horizontal bars.
That would be nice :cool:, but maybe again a lot of work, sorry to bother you again.
And maybe some others would like to keep it fixed, i don't know,
I haven't fixed yet my rules for final project, so i can use it with 1 year and half of data too
I promise, i'll keep radar chart like it's designed ??

Have a nice day,


Licensed User
Longtime User
Don't worry, the horizontal bar charts will look the same as the vertical ones.
It is on the to do list for today.
But before I need to finalize the display with manual scales, this will also be added to the horizontal bar charts.
I will get my second shot of the Covid vaccine in about one hour.


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@klaus :
mmmm sometime better to turn my tong seven time in my mouth ?
But i didn't lie really when i promised to keep the radar chart as it's designed ;)

Nah, just something i saw when i adapt radar on my own project, see below:
It happens when it's and odd number of points, here 37 in point.size :
Radar chart with odd number of points - Not ok due to truncated result.png

But i searched to understand why and found that's an Int who's declared in DrawRadar (line 4549 of your class, v6.9 -> AngleDelta as Int) instead of a Double declared in DrawItemValues (line 788 of your class, v6.9 -> Private Angle As Double).
So that's look better with a double in DrawRadar too :
Radar chart with odd number of points - Better due to use Double.png

Part of code modified in the class, just one line :
'draws the radar chart
Private Sub DrawRadar
    Private i, j, x0, x1, xt, y0, y1, dy, dy0 As Int
    Private Cols(Items.Size), ACols(Items.Size) As Int
    Private Names(Items.Size) As String
    Private AngleDelta As Double    ' <- here
    'Nothing else changed
End Sub

Note: I tested it also with even number of points on your example project, it looks the same.
Hope that help

Have a nice evening,


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you for all your tests !!!
This is the best and only way to get software better !!!
I like this kind of collaboration !!!

mmmm sometime better to turn my tong seven time in my mouth
Moralité: Ne promets jamais ce que tu n'est pas sûr de tenir !!!
Moral: Never promise what you're not sure you keep !

The explanation is that for the rectangular charts I use integer intervals to be sure that all intervals are the same.
This is more important for Bar charts, the bar widths are integer values, otherwise you could have bars with 1 pixel difference and this is visible with small bars and I do not like this.
I used the same principle for the Radar charts, but here it is a mistake because the total 'width' 360° is imposed.

Amended for the next update.

PS: The funny thing is that it took less time to amend the problem than to answer your post :)!