Hello, i'm looking for some tutorial or advice on how work with views added from code, most times i use the designer and designer script to build the layout so i never had big problems.
Now that i need to use a canvas i'm having some good troubles to align and set the position of the drawed text correctly.
For example i added an imagview using the designer and then set his position and properties with designer script.
Later using the below code i want draw some text over imageview1 in a exact position which will be the same in all screeens.
Which is the best pratice to achieve this? im getting really lost with X and Y.
The imageview is a template file of a business card, the user can input some text and save the output.
Dim cnv1
cnv1.DrawTextRotated("Text 1",250,270, Typeface.MONOSPACE,12,Colors.White,"RIGHT",4)
cnv1.DrawTextRotated("Text 2",???,???, Typeface.MONOSPACE,12,Colors.White,"RIGHT",4)
i have several view in one activity, im trying tro drawText over one of them, i need to find a way so that the text get draw always in the same position on different devices.
cnv1.DrawTextRotated("Text 1",250,270, Typeface.
In this line:
First point:
You should use dip values and not absolute pixel values.
Second point:
Are 250,270 screen coordinates or ImageView coordiates ?
If you draw on a view the coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of this view and not to the Activity !
Or post your project as a zip file or at leat a smaller one showing the problem so we could have a look at it.
Sorry for not beeing clear, in attachment an example.
I need that the draw text alway fit inside the imageview in a fixed position and works on different screens, in the example i draw the text over the red panel because i dont know ho to align over on the imageview, or better, by messing with values i can align the text but then on different screen size it get messed up.
That was just as example, the file loaded inside the imagewview is more complex, is a business card with logos and stuff.
I think the problem is here: "If you draw on a view the coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of this view and not to the Activity !"
in fact, the code could always be the same even without the use of percentages.
just draw it on the original size and then resize to what it needs to be, I made a sliding puzzle that way and it worked fine on both my phone and tablet with completely different resolutions and aspect ratios.
Without percentages i get everything screwed up on both devices (phone/tablet), even the last code does not works perfectly, the position on the two devices is similar but different.