Hello, i'm looking for some tutorial or advice on how work with views added from code, most times i use the designer and designer script to build the layout so i never had big problems.
Now that i need to use a canvas i'm having some good troubles to align and set the position of the drawed text correctly.
For example i added an imagview using the designer and then set his position and properties with designer script.
Later using the below code i want draw some text over imageview1 in a exact position which will be the same in all screeens.
Which is the best pratice to achieve this? im getting really lost with X and Y.
The imageview is a template file of a business card, the user can input some text and save the output.
Thank you so much
Now that i need to use a canvas i'm having some good troubles to align and set the position of the drawed text correctly.
For example i added an imagview using the designer and then set his position and properties with designer script.
Later using the below code i want draw some text over imageview1 in a exact position which will be the same in all screeens.
Which is the best pratice to achieve this? im getting really lost with X and Y.
The imageview is a template file of a business card, the user can input some text and save the output.
Dim cnv1
cnv1.DrawTextRotated("Text 1",250,270, Typeface.MONOSPACE,12,Colors.White,"RIGHT",4)
cnv1.DrawTextRotated("Text 2",???,???, Typeface.MONOSPACE,12,Colors.White,"RIGHT",4)
Thank you so much