Wish CodeCanyon Customers Modification

Hamied Abou Hulaikah

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
We have built many applications/tools using B4A, Now it is time to sell on CodeCanyon world, My problems is the customers want to change these things for customization:
  • LOGO & Color
  • NAME
  • Preferences
I mean customized by customers who are not programmers like investors etc ..., they don't need to open B4A IDE, JUST CUSTOMIZATION.

For example: webview app, my customer need to customize by himself not me the following: logo - app name - some preferences (as website url).

Any improvement in B4X world or tricks suggestion.

Peter Simpson

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Let the customer/ibvestor give you an URL to an XML/json which your app uses. The app downloads the json and uses the infos inside it.

You can not change the appicon at runtime tough. This must exist at compiletime.
Same applies to the appname and packagename.
You can for sure use commandlinecompilation and replace the files the customer/investor provides in your appsources.

Hamied Abou Hulaikah

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
You can not change the appicon at runtime tough. This must exist at compiletime.
Same applies to the appname and packagename.
Did you see Codecanyon webview apps (as example) downloads, thousands per app, so YOU mean I should be DEDICATED for each customer modification!!! this is annoying!