B4A Library [custom view] AutoTextSizeLabel

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When you set the text of this custom label the text size is automatically modified to the largest possible size so that all the text is visible.


To use this view in your project, you should take the AutoTextSizeLabel class from the attached example and add it to your project. You should then add a Custom View with the designer and set its type to this class.

The following libraries are required:
- JavaObject
- StringUtils


  • AutoTextSizeLabel.zip
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How can I change the color of the text on AutoTextSizeLabel? I can change text color in the designer but not with the code, only text option available.


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I should add "nuisance" to my signature, I know.
I ask you to forgive me in advance :)

A text could be right-aligned or centered!

Now I'm not particularly bright, but maybe for the right alignment, you should fill in the spaces on the left, do an early check ... Well, I should think.



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Erel... Can this lib actually break the text up into lines of fitting text? I can't seem to get a long line of text to be formatted throughout the label... it fits it horizontally with tiny fonts, but it's all on one line.

What I'd like to do it set a label to be full screen, pass it a long set of text, and have the lib fit it into the label, spaced out horizontally as well as vertically with the appropriate breaks (I don't want to put the breaks into the text myself as it'll vary).

For example... Full Screen Label... Text is: "This is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country". Result would be a full screen of text, broken into lines and filling the screen.

Is this possible?


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Thank you again Klaus... That was perfect and exactly what I was looking for!


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It broke my project... and mlbl didn't work...

But thanks for the example code! I used it to built it in a normal label!



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In what way did it "break your project?" Working just fine for me!


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When i inserted it nothing worked any more. (That's normal) But after I changed everything to customview1.mlbl.??? all crashed... (I am changing type face, colors, size and many many things)

anyway. But sadly my Code does not work fine.... And I don't find the mistake...

I call the sub everytime and label1.text is everytime only one line... but sometimes it breaks the text. even if there is no height space for that...
Sub scalelbl1
    Dim bmp As Bitmap
    Dim size As Float
    For size = 2 To 80
        If CheckSize(size) Then ToastMessageShow("Exit!", True)
    size = size - 0.5
    If CheckSize(size) Then size = size - 0.5
    Label1.TextSize = size
End Sub

Sub CheckSize(size As Float) As Boolean
        Return cv.MeasureStringWidth(Label1.Text, Label1.Typeface, size) > Label1.Width OR _
            suu.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(Label1, Label1.Text) > Label1.Height
End Sub


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Could someone help me, please? I don't get the mistake! Btw. I removed the toastmessage

*Push* :D


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like i said there is no error. it's is only shown wrong

When the text is too long then it breaks the line and shows the rest in the second line (see my code)
but the second line is not high enough. so it does not show it correctly...


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Add a CRLF to the end of the text.


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doesn't help

and sometimes is the size 1.
so there is something wrong...


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Like I said above I can't use it because i have to change so many label values, which are not available for customviews...
additionally the label in the class doesn't work either... :/
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