B4A Library [custom view] AutoTextSizeLabel

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When you set the text of this custom label the text size is automatically modified to the largest possible size so that all the text is visible.


To use this view in your project, you should take the AutoTextSizeLabel class from the attached example and add it to your project. You should then add a Custom View with the designer and set its type to this class.

The following libraries are required:
- JavaObject
- StringUtils


  • AutoTextSizeLabel.zip
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When you set the text of this custom label the text size is automatically modified to the largest possible size so that all the text is visible.


To use this view in your project, you should take the AutoTextSizeLabel class from the attached example and add it to your project. You should then add a Custom View with the designer and set its type to this class.

The following libraries are required:
- JavaObject
- StringUtils

How can i get this using Panel.getview(0)?


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Hi All

So far I have been doing all layouts by code, so this is my first time using the designer and Custom views.
I am just wondering why i am unable to capture the click event, even though the label is enabled in the designer.

Private Sub AutoTextSizeLabel1_CLick
    Log("not trigerred by default ")
End Sub

For the above to work, I have to add the line below in DesignerCreateView

I am wondering if there is a better way perhaps using "Initialize"

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