Android Tutorial Guess my number - Visual designer & Events


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I did actually try to delete the emulator and re-create it, but that had no effect.

But interestingly, I just noticed a "Create AVD" button on the Device Definitions tab, and created a new emulator from there instead.
This time a fully functional emulator was created.

I wish I had discovered that option sooner.


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im starting to learn now to make android apps

i already read and try this guess my number apps and also downloaded
your sample and test it.

i have question why i have this message when i click guess button without entering a number: "program pause on line:25 If EditTex1.Text> MyNumber Then". my question is how to display toast message without display this error message that hang the apps, instead display the message as "pls enter your number"



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What about title? and APK??

Im learning to make new android apps, this IDE is excellent!

Where can i find the *.apk file to send to other phones for testing?

Also, the app is getting saved as B4Aexample every time i install it on my phone,
how do i change that?

Appreciate the help in advance


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ok, i solved the application label problem under project attributes,
but i still need help with the *.apk



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Thanks for the prompt reply but i am only getting the _DEBUG version of the *.apk file i want,
i read somewhere that shouldn't be used due to overheads.

What should i do then to find regular apk file?



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I want to know how to change so a user can write a Number not random like this:,
 MyNumber = Rnd(1, 100) 'Choose a random number between 1 to 99


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This is the number that the user needs to find. The user enters his number in the EditText.
Yeah, but I want to modife that, So the number can be change by a user. ec My friend chose a number then im going to guess the number.


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I've made a "Guess The Number" game similar to the one here. Now, I would like to add 2 things:

1. Statistics. In other words, the accuracy percentage, AKA "Score".
2. Instead of typing in the guessing number, I would like to have, say, two or three squares (or more), then I will tap on the square that I think has the number (or color, etc) and a sound will play, or not, to reward if my choice was correct.

On number 2 above, I made my game so that it randomly selects a number which is not being displayed. The screen is blank. When I mentally decide on the number, I tap a button (the only one on the screen) to reveal the number (which is shown on the center of the screen) and only I know if I was right or not. So, If instead I have 2 or more plane squares that hide the numbers, then I would tap on the right box (hopefully) and now the program will know if I was right or not, and at the same time, it will keep a record (percentage) of accuracy and show it on the screen.

Can some one please help?

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