Explaining the VList(View)
Reference thread post for more information about the VList
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Hi there, in this video we explore the VList to create list view items. We look at the Vue-tify documentation and then look at how we use the v-list-options to define the structure of our kitchen sink v-list.
This is an example of the v-list from the vue-tify website. Here is the schema of the vlist components. There are also other examples of v-lists in the website with source code. We have created some templates in B.V.A.D.3 to address all these possible needs, by using the v-list-options custom view.
This involved creating a html tree node structure like this, which is however flexible to be activated or deactivated to only use the components one needs.
We have a template that uses a v-for loop and this displays each list view item. Using the options we then indicate which components it should use. This has dependency properties that should be specified, if needed. We will open the base layout, and then review the list options used for our navigation. The meaning of each of the properties has been clearly defined in the description section and depending on the selections options, the list view navigation is drawn. Our list has separators and each is inset as per definition.
Any component that should not be used in the list can just be checked off. To link both the list view and its options, we call the set options method. This will create the list view template with the options chosen and field names specified.