Hi everyone, I followed this post in order to achieve that famous iOS bottom sheet layout.
It worked but the annoying thing is that when I load the layout in it, the top part of the view remains empty, like if the Top=0 is Top=20.
I attach a screenshot to make it more understandable
(my problem is the part that is circled with red, right under there is the white panel that in the designer I put at the top (whitepanel.top = 0))
Edit: I noticed on iPhone6 that the height of that area is the same as the StatusBar..
the code I used to load everything:
It worked but the annoying thing is that when I load the layout in it, the top part of the view remains empty, like if the Top=0 is Top=20.
I attach a screenshot to make it more understandable
(my problem is the part that is circled with red, right under there is the white panel that in the designer I put at the top (whitepanel.top = 0))
Edit: I noticed on iPhone6 that the height of that area is the same as the StatusBar..
the code I used to load everything:
Sub Button_Click
Dim QRpazientePg As Page
imgQrPres.Bitmap = CreateQRcode($"${cd.CodiceRegione},${cd.CodiceRicetta},${cd.CodiceFiscale}"$)
End Try
PresentPage(Main.NavControl, QRpazientePg)
End Sub
Sub PresentPage(Parent As Page, dialog As Page)
Dim no As NativeObject = dialog
no.SetField("modalTransitionStyle", 0)
Dim no2 As NativeObject = Parent
no2.RunMethod("presentModalViewController:animated:", Array(dialog, True))
End Sub
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